Motivational Monday

2023, 2, 1, Execute!!!

Posted 1/2/2023 by Mannie Canto

I hope everyone had a great new year and had some time to sit down and think about the kind of 2023 you want to have. I'm sure you've had at least 1 conversation or thought about what you resolutions and goals will be for this year. When I was looking at my resolutions I noticed that there are a couple that I seem to have every year so I said to myself this year is the year to break that cycle and do things differently. For me this starts with the idea I heard (Credit to my Wife, Netflix, and The Duchess of Sussex) of having a single work that you will use to define your 2023. The word that came to me that I want to define my 2023 is execution. The reason I chose that word is because regardless of how bad you want to achieve a resolution or goal and no matter how detailed of a plan you have around it without execution nothing will happen except it being the same resolution for next year. In January we'll discuss how to monitor you progress on your goals, how to approach your goals with long term vision coupled with short term actions, and why your habits are more important than your goals. It is my hope that these Motivational Mondays will be able to help you push through and execute to achieve all your goals for 2023 and beyond.