Motivational Monday

Habits Are Greater Than Goals

Posted 1/16/2023 by Mannie Canto

70% of both professional athletes and lottery winners go broke. If you're thinking how can that many people with millions of dollars wind up broke than look at these statistics as well. 40% of US adults have new year's resolutions or goals. Of those 23% quit the first week and 36% make it past the first month and only 9% actually achieve their goals. That more than 70% of people who go "broke" on their goals after just 1 month. With those kinds of stats in mind with people who only set goals that maybe there should be a different way of approaching things. A book that has had great influence on me in that regard has been Atomic Habits. What the book takes time to expand on in great detail is the power of being able to focus on Habits instead of goals. Let take a goal I want to lose 10 lbs for a wedding I'm going to attend. Yes you have a specific goal but you may fall back to a 2 week crash diet that you may hit that goal of 10 lbs but research shows that a majority of people will regain that weight in a matter of weeks and many actually gain more than they originally lost. If you focus on the habit of tracking your food and looking at exercise every day while it may take longer to get to you goal our have created a sustainable daily occurrence that not only can you hit your original goal but you now know how to maintain and even go beyond your original goal.

"The person who loves to walk will go farther than the person who only loves the destination"

Going back to money, if you basic habits are to spend more money than you make regardless of whatever financial goal you have and reach you will always wind up broke. So don’t throw out your goals yet, but unless you attach a consistent habit to them you will be broke according to you goals. If you’re one of those who have already given up or are on the verge of giving up on your goals take a second look at your goals and try and attach a smaller daily habit that associates with each goal and then see how quickly you get back on track and make your life richer by achieving your goals.