Motivational Monday

Halftime Adjustments

Posted 1/4/2023 by Mannie Canto

All good teams have a game plan going into any competition but as the game unfolds, unexpected things happen. What tends to separate the good teams from the great teams is usually the halftime adjustments that are made. I mention this because (aside from me missing football) we are officially in the second half of the year, and it is a great time to take stock of where we are compared to the goals we had coming into this year. In some cases, you may be behind where you thought you should be or where you wanted to be. If that’s the case, you may need to be aggressive starting the second half of the year like the New Orleans Saints going for an onside kick to start the second half of the Super Bowl. However just because you are ahead of your expected goals doesn’t mean to not make any adjustments. In another completely unbiased Saints’ fan example there are situations like where the Atlanta Falcons were very far ahead at halftime, and they did not adjust and wound up losing the game. The other aspect that separates the great teams is the way they make the halftime adjustments. The coaches and players come together and collaborate about what each noticed in the first half and put together a plan to go and be better in the second half. So, take this beginning to the second half of the year to not only self-evaluate but check in with your peers and leaders about how as a team we can have an even better second half of the year.